Artist Statement
As a visual anthropologist and collage artist, my practice exists at the intersection of documentary and creative expression. I explore the boundaries of traditional photographic representation through methodologies that embrace both analog and digital processes, creating layered visual narratives that speak to the complexity of human experience.
Central to my practice is what I call the "spontaneous layering method"—a process where digital images are transformed into material fragments, then reconstructed through careful placement on a flatbed scanner. This technique of fragmentation and reassembly mirrors the way we construct meaning from experience, how memory operates in non-linear ways, and how identity itself is constantly being negotiated and reimagined. In this process, I allow the center of each image to emerge organically, letting the photograph reveal itself through patient observation of its fragments, forcing a deeper looking and more intimate engagement with each element of the subject's story.
Of Black Wombhood, an independently-produced oral history project led by Tanya Latortue, applies these methodologies to explore personal health histories and reproductive experiences. This work represents my commitment to creating a visual language that honors the complex realities of Blackness and of those who have been born into and bear wombs. This focus recognizes that Black womb experiences have been historically misrepresented, medicalized, or rendered invisible within dominant visual cultures and medical narratives.
By bringing together anthropological methods and artistic practice, my work for this project creates a space where personal narratives can emerge in all their complexity. The fragmented portraits become a metaphor for the way we construct and understand identity—not as a fixed, singular entity, but as a dynamic interplay of experiences, memories, and cultural meanings.